The hubbub may have died down, but WorldNetDaily hasn't given up on Obama's birth controversy. The latest? WorldNetDaily considers websites to be more credible than state documents, I guess. The online media lizard notes that Obama's Facebook page correctly lists 1961 as his birth year, as do all other online references, including earlier archived MySpace pages. But rather than simply … Read More
How Stupid Is Our National Discourse?
This stupid. Here is Fox New's Megyn Kelly talking to the White House's Bill Burton: Look, it's quite simple, Megyn. Is the White House asking people to write them with myths regarding healthcare? Yes. Will some of those emails contain the email addresses of other people (including the sender)? Of course. The White House has no control over what people … Read More
Photo Of The Day
I love this photo. It was taken at the NH protest when Obama held his town hall in Portsmouth. Click on it to embiggen. Now, obviously the guy in the middle is having fun at the expense of the others. But his sign ("We have NO idea what we're talking about", with arrows pointing to the protesters) really touches on … Read More
North Carolina Perspective On Obama
Perhaps some of my friends up north don't understand why I blog so often about the birthers. And that might be because the birther movement truly is fringe up north. But not here in North Carolina. According to a Public Policy Poll released yesterday, only 24% of self-identified Republican voters in North Carolina believe Barack Obama was born in the United States. … Read More
About That “Tree of Liberty”
This week, MSNBC got a live shot of of a man with a gun in a holster. He was not a law enforcement person; he's one of the protesters at an Obama town hall even in Portsmouth, NH. Chris Matthews later interviewed him. At the protest, the man had a sign saying "It is time to water the tree of … Read More
One More Scene From A Town Hall Meeting
Obama has a town hall meeting in Portsmouth New Hampshire today, and the nuts are out in full force. Get this: MSNBC this morning caught a live shot of a man with a gun in a holster. No, he is not a law enforcement person; he's one of the protesters. And the sign he's carrying? It's got that famous Jefferson … Read More
One More Scene From A Town Hall Meeting
Obama has a town hall meeting in Portsmouth New Hampshire today, and the nuts are out in full force. Get this: MSNBC this morning caught a live shot of a man with a gun in a holster. No, he is not a law enforcement person; he’s one of the protesters. And the sign he’s carrying? It’s got that famous Jefferson … Read More
Scenes From Yesterday’s (and Today’s) Town Hall Protests
And up in Alaska… And earlier today, at Spector's rally in Pennsylvania… And here's how Fox News' Megyn Kelly interpreted what you just saw: "And there you have it. An extraordinary showing out of Pennsylvania. As we watched for the past hour non-stop, an informed, articulate, and very concerned group of American people take their questions directly to their elected … Read More
The Birther Theme Song
I don't think there's a single lyric in here which hasn't been disproven repeatedly: Fitting that it's a country song, too….
Worth Quoting
Josh Marshall reflecting on the "Obama health care = Nazi Germany" comparisons: Most significant here is not the right-wing liars and demagogues making this stuff up but the fact that they've convinced a significant number of their followers that this stuff is true. That's a very dangerous situation. We should also keep in mind that the birther-mania, as comical as … Read More
Republican Congressman Gets Booed For Telling Constituents To Stop Listening To Glenn Beck
This was a townhall meeting conducted by a Republican congressman from South Carolina, Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC), who opposes Obama's general plan for health care reform, so you would think there wouldn't be anything to protest from the teabaggers. But nope — he went after the moron's sacred cow: Glenn Beck. The crowd revolted when Inglis told people to “turn … Read More
The Decibel Level Goes To Eleven
I'll let Krugman start us off, and I'll chime in: There’s a famous Norman Rockwell painting titled “Freedom of Speech,” depicting an idealized American town meeting. The painting, part of a series illustrating F.D.R.’s “Four Freedoms,” shows an ordinary citizen expressing an unpopular opinion. His neighbors obviously don’t like what he’s saying, but they’re letting him speak his mind. That’s … Read More
IOKIYAR: Nazi References
Five years ago, invited people to post their own homemade ads for the 2004 presidential campaign and submit them anonymously. Some unknown person, out of over 1,500 submissions, put together an ad comparing Bush to Hitler, and put it on the site without the group's knowledge. MoveOn pulled the submission. But it was too late. The conservatives had a … Read More
Rightwing Mobs Turn Violent
Roll Call: Rep. Gerry Connolly (Va.), president of the freshman Democratic class, warned that right-wing groups are taking things to "a dangerous level" by manufacturing anger based on false information. "When you look at the fervor of some of these people who are all being whipped up by the right-wing talking heads on Fox, to me, you're crossing a line," … Read More
My Fake Real Kenyan Birth Certificate
Now leave me alone….