I'm always amazed at how many Republicans can just lie to themselves about basic immutable facts. Here's the latest example: A significant chunk of Louisiana Republicans evidently believe that President Barack Obama is to blame for the poor response to the hurricane that ravaged their state more than three years before he took office. The latest survey from Democratic-leaning Public Policy … Read More
ROdeo Clown Update
The 'Obama' rodeo clown has now become the Pete Rose of Missouri State Fair rodeo clowns, drawing a lifetime ban from rodeo clowning at the Missouri State Fair.
An Honest GOP Town Hall Discussion
I've had my fun poking at Republican Congresscritters returning to their home states, holding town hall meetings, and bringing up birth certificates and other dumb stuff that would normally get them laughed at if they were on TV. But I have to give credit where credit is due. In the clip below, Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) gets questioned by a … Read More
Racist Missouri
As reported by the Kansas City Star: YAEL T. ABOUHALKAH Shameful Missouri State Fair stunt smears Obama August 11 The taxpayer-supported Missouri State Fair got a lot of negative publicity Sunday following a report of a shameful stunt that occurred Saturday night in Sedalia. The story by an eyewitness, Perry Beam, is posted to Daily Kos and Show Me Progress. Fortunately, by late … Read More
Meanwhile, Back At The IRS Scandal…
The GOP line is quickly unraveling: A self-described conservative Republican who is a manager in the Internal Revenue Service office that targeted tea party groups told investigators that he, not the White House, set the review in motion, the top Democrat on the House watchdog committee said Sunday. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., released a partial transcript of the House Committee … Read More
Obama Not Worried About Benghazi-gate.
National Security Adviser Tom Donilon is stepping down, to be replaced by Susan Rice. This is sure to make many heads explode among the Tea Partiers, who are convinced that Susan Rice was complicit in covering up "the truth" about Benghazi (although what "the truth" is, Obama opponents don't seem to know. But rest assured, the truth is out there, and … Read More
Bullshit Indeed
I'm not even going to try to summarize. Or even copy and paste sections. Kevin Drum at Mother Jones nails it, starting from the headline: And Josh Marshal adds: The standards of most institutional right wing journalism are just so appallingly bad that their stories simply aren't credible. (I'd note that Lake works at either nonpartisan or slightly-progressive leaning pub.) … Read More
The Latest In The IRS “Scandal” As Far As I Can Tell
SCANDAL-MONGERS: "The IRS is totally targetting conservatives by making sure the rich pay their taxes and that political groups don't get tax-exempt status when they're not supposed to. Obama must be behind all this because… OBAMA!!!" IRS COMMISSIONER: "The IRS has had problems. We are addressing them." SCANDAL-MONGERS: "But Obama is behind it all. He's got his fingers in every … Read More
This May Be My Favorite News Story Of The Week
Fox News does a segment asking "Where was National Security Advisor Tom Donilon on the night of the Benghazi attacks?", and during most of the segment, they run a picture of the Obama and advisors on that very night, and right in the middle of the picture is… wait for it…. Tom Donilon. This is a Wonkette must-read, but this … Read More
The Washington Examiner’s New Crazy Benghazi Theory
Actually, the article below only appeared briefly in the "respectable" conservative newspaper, and then it was purged (with no explanation) from its site. But I screengrabbed it: Now, THAT'S a Benghazi scandal!!
Observation on the IRS “Scandal”
I'm too lazy to back with up with links, but it seems to me that the GOP should just give up trying to implcate Obama in the IRS targetting "scandal". Last week, they tried to make the argument that Obama told the IRS to target for scrutiny certain right-wing organizations. Unfortunately, there was nothing to back that up, and it … Read More
The IRS Scandal Really Isn’t Anything
So I guess it's sorta kinda bad that some low-level employees at the IRS "targetted" the Tea Party's requests for 501(c)(4) status when they were burdened with an overwhelming number of requests from the Tea Party. Republicans, of course, are trying to make it bigger than that. They're trying to allege that Obama knew about the IRS investigation and audit … Read More
The NEW Obama Scandal
Seriously, it's this: That's right. Barack Hussein Nobama made a Marine violate miltary code by forcing him to hold an umbrella. That's the scandal du jour. And indeed, military code says that a soldier in dress uniform should not carry an umbrella. But military code experts say something like this: “IF THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF GIVES YOU A LAWFUL ORDER YOU … Read More
House Republicans Will Vote Tomorrow — For The 43rd Time — To Unsuccessfully Repeal Obamacare
They know it is an exercise in futility, because even if (for some reason) the House Republicans manage to pass a vote to repeal Obamacare, the Senate won't take it up OR pass it, and even if THAT happened, Obama will never sign the repeal into law. So it's a symbolic thing. That's okay. Symbolism has its place. But this … Read More
In Which Digby Is Right
On the IRS scandal: It's about taxes, the IRS and the Tea Party. We might as well put a white wig on Obama and call him King George. The excitement on the right over being "victimized" by Big Gummint this way is so palpable I'm afraid they're going to burst a vessel. Congress gave the IRS the nearly impossible task of deciding … Read More