WHY is Obama an "elistist hypocrite"? Because HIS daughters go to school with armed guards protecting them, and YOUR kids can't. Watch: Yes… how DARE Obama act like he's something special, like he holds a position of importance, like his kids are obvious and unique targets for terrorists and, uh, gun nuts and therefore require special protection. Who does … Read More
Meet The Sandy Hook Truthers
From Salon: Yes, there really are Newtown truthers. But in the crazy world of Sandy Hook conspiracy theories, this one may be the worst yet. (Maybe you’ve already heard some of the others, like the one about fantasy ties between the gunman’s family and the LIBOR banking scandal and a related theory about the Aurora shooting and the “Dark Knight … Read More
What We Have To Deal With
Or, more precisely, what Obama has to deal with: the "hell no" caucus. Meet freshman Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR), one of the newest member of House Speaker John Boehner's caucus, who was singled out and bankrolled by the Club for Growth in his competitive primary, allowing him an easy general election victory in this deeply Republican district. In an interview … Read More
Papa John’s Takes A HIt
HuffPo: The opinion of Papa John's among recent casual diners dropped precipitously after CEO John Schnatter's public comments about Obamacare, according to a new study from YouGov BrandIndex, which researches brand perception for marketing directors, brand managers and PR reps. The site conducts thousands of interviews a day, providing real-time info that shows trends and responses to different marketing techniques or … Read More
The Benghazi-gate Thing
It's not that I haven't been paying attention. I really have. But I still don't get what the hell Susan Rice did wrong. As UN Ambassador, she went on television to answer questions about Benghazi. Of course, being UN Ambassador, she wasn't exactly at the forefront of the intelligence gathering apparatus, so she relied on information told to her by the … Read More
Absolutely-Real Not-At-All Fake Video Of Ann Dunham Giving Birth To Barack Obama
Here it is. Proof! Absolutely proof that Obama was indeed born in Kenya. Here's the story behind to absolutely-real not-at-all-fake video. And you can tell it's real because filming births on Super 8 film was so commonplace in 1961. Also, the medical chart (right next to a Kenyan flag) conveniently says that the Woman giving birth is Ann Dunham. … Read More
What Is It With Republicans And Calling Something Terror?
So Romney had a chance to screw Obama on Benghazi, but he blew it. He decided to make it about when Obama called it an "act of terror" and he got his facts wrong, and he looked really really really stupid. Obama did in fact call Benghazi an act of terror the very next morning after the attack happened, in the Rose … Read More
Friday Freaks
Obama's Anti-Biblical Views Led To Natural Disasters:
God God God God God God
I think what Obama needs to do is to wake up every morning, go to the Oval Office, tap in to all the TV network feeds, sit and look sternly at the television camera, and chant "God God God God God God God God. Have a nice day." Because, for some unknown (comical) reason, the wingnuts bounce off the wall … Read More
Best Reaction Of Them All
Sarah Palin tweet: Okay. First of all, Obama gave his opinion that the mandate wasn't a tax — an opinion also held by such commies as Justices Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Kennedy. Secondly, you can't "lie" about an opinion. Your opinion might not prevail at the end of the day, but that doesn't mean you lie. That's like saying "The … Read More
Party of Delusion
This is amazing. Most Republicans really live in a bubble not connected to reality. A recent Dartmouth study polled Democrats, Republicans and Independents on various matters related to foreign policy. At the end were two questions which revealed astounding results: That's right — 63% of Republicans still think Iraq had WMDs, even though the Bush Administration (finally) admitted otherwise. And … Read More
Birther Conspiracy Theory 2.0
A couple of weeks ago, Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett was getting up in the face of Hawaii, insisting that the state provide even more evidence that Obama was, in fact, born there. A few days later, he backed off the request, saying, "If I embarrassed the state, I apologize, but that certainly wasn't my intent." But guess what? He's back…. with … Read More
Bain Capital Experience
It took him a while, but Obama is on message. His point? It's that the role of a President bears no resemblance to the role of a business leader, particularly a private equity or leveraged buyout specialist. One should have a concern on how to create jobs and the other has what amounts to a fiduciary duty to create profit. And … Read More
You Thought “Birtherism” Was A Dead Issue?
No, it ain't: Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett® told KFYI he’s not entirely convinced President Obama was really born in the United States and suggested he could be knocked off the state’s presidential ballot. Said Bennett: “I’m not a birther. I believe the president was born in Hawaii—or at least I hope he was. But my responsibility as secretary of state … Read More