ThinkProgress: North Carolina is apparently ground zero of the latest resurgence of the birther movement, as a number of Republican candidates in the state are expressing doubts about President Obama’s birthplace. ThinkProgress has previously noted that Richard Hudson, running for a congressional seat in the state’s 8th district, said Obama is “hiding something on his citizenship,” while the Charlotte Observer rescinded … Read More
Tough Obama Ad Dings Romney on Swiss Bank Accounts
The Obama campaign is up with a new ad in Ohio, Virginia, and Iowa. That's going to leave marks.
Running On Bin Laden’s Death
The Republicans have a problem with President Obama taking credit for Osama bin Laden's death. And it is not hard to see why. Mitt Romney didn't want us going into Pakistan to catch bin Laden, which is in fact where we got him. Good thing Mitt Romney didn't win the presidency in 2008 or Osama bin Laden still might be … Read More
Tinfoil Hat Stories We Love
This from WND: Medical examiners in Los Angeles are investigating the possible poisoning death of one of their own officials who may have worked on the case of Andrew Breitbart, the conservative firebrand who died March 1, the same day Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced probable cause for forgery in President Obama’s birth certificate. Andrew Breitbart died on the day that loony Arizona … Read More
Is This A Bad Ad?
Karl Rove's PAC put this ad out this week. It's saying that the president is being "cool" while all these problems are going on. Um…. I think it makes Obama look good. I don't think anyone (except those who hate Obama no matter what) is going to believe that Obama has spent the last 3 years singing. And highlighting … Read More
Obama Needs More Backbone
Obama is in North Carolina again today. He's speaking at UNC to talk about college loans…. But President Obama is not expected to touch the subject when he appears in Chapel Hill on Tuesday — even though it is roiling the electorate there…. His delicate sidestep of Amendment One, a ballot initiative to be decided May 8 that would recognize marriage between a man … Read More
Conspiracy Theorists Are Going To Love This
Two stories: First, this one about one of the Obama girls going on spring break with her class to Oaxaca Mexico. Initial press reports about it on the Internet were "scrubbed". An AFP report that President Barack Obama’s 13-year-old daughter, Malia, is spending spring break in Oaxaca, Mexico appears to have been completely scrubbed from the Internet news sites that … Read More
The Latest Stupid Kerfuffle
Robert DeNiro at Obama fundraiser last night: "Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white first lady?" A joke, right? Not a side-splitter, but obviously a joke. Newt Gingrich feigns outrage and demands an apology from Obama: “What DeNiro said last night was inexcusable and the president should apologize for him. It … Read More
The Right Wing Continues To Vet Obama As If He Hasn’t Been President For 3 Years
Let's see… So last week the bid deal-i-o was that Obama, when he was a Harvard Law student in the 1990's, said something positive about Harvard Law's first tenured black professor, Derrick Bell. This means that Obama is a radical Muslim who wants to put white people in concentration camps (and the first few years of normalcy under the Obama … Read More
At The Pump
Can we get one thing straight? The Republican candidates are hoping to make it Obama's fault that gas prices are on the rise. It's ridiculous. Gas prices are on the rise because of the unsettled Middle East. And while Obama hasn't resolved the Middle East conflicts, nobody has in… well, centuries. The other thing the GOp candidates say is that … Read More
Sarah Palin Wants To Debate Obama
In response to the Obama ad featuring Sarah Palin, Sarah responded via her Facebook page: Exhibit A in these diversionary tactics is an absurd new attack ad President Obama has released taking my comments out of context. I’m not running for any office, but I’m more than happy to accept the dubious honor of being Barack Obama’s “enemy of the week” if … Read More
The Terrible Obama Video That Haunts Him
Just before he died last week, media provocateur Andrew Breitbart teased his readers and followers by saying that he had "never-before-shown" video of Barack Obama during his college days. The right wing, teased into a tizzy by Breitbart, went full into speculation mode. Was it Barry Osama bin Obama doing drugs with Bill Ayers? Could he have been making sweet … Read More
The Obama Scandal You Haven’t Heard About Yet
The lamestream media is trying its best to keep this hidden from we the people. But it's only a matter of time before this story gets full-blown coverage, and takes down the current administration: Two former participants in the CIA’s Mars visitation program of the early 1980’s have confirmed that U.S. President Barack H. Obama was enrolled in their Mars training class … Read More
Birther Stupidity
World News Daily (aka World Nut Daily) is actually boasting on their website about how they had an airplane fly over the Cowboys-Giants game this weekend, towing a banner inquiring about Obama's "real" birth certificate. Yes, doing a banner flyover of a domed stadium. Good call, guys.
GOP Filibusters Middle Tax Cut Again
A bill to extend the payroll tax holiday failed in the Senate this afternoon after Republicans filibustered the extension for a third time, preventing it from getting the 60 votes needed to begin debate or receive an up-or-down vote. The latest bill would have paid for the extension of the holiday, which primarily affects middle and low income Americans, by assessing … Read More