I don't know how the Republicans think they can possibly benefit from things like this: Earlier today, 53 percent of the Senate voted to move forward with Richard Cordray’s nomination to lead the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — depriving him of thesupermajority he needs in order to be confirmed. One of the senators joining this filibuster, Sen. Mike Lee … Read More
Teleprompter Racism
Oh, there's Aaron again. Once again, he's bemoaning black unity and calling it "racism" again. By Aaron's logic, women who want to see a woman as president (like Hillary), or a woman as vice-president (like Sarah) are sexist. Clearly, like so many white Southern boys, Aaron has a hard time distinguishing pride in ones race, on the one hand, and … Read More
The Right’s Frenzy About Obama And The Earthquake
Steve Benen is right. Can this be any sillier? So, there was an earthquake. The president was made aware of it. There was no serious damage, no casualties, nothing for emergency response teams to do, and nothing for Obama to do. He was kept apprised and went about his afternoon. I don't know why this is supposed to be interesting. … Read More
The Fall of Ghadaffi
It's amusing to watch the GOP deal with the inevitable fall of Ghadaffi. They spend the past few months criticizing Obama for going into Libya and supporting the rebels in the first place. Now that the rebels are on the brink of victory, the GOP cannot find the words to credit Obama's Libya policy. Think Progress picks up the story: … Read More
And, Right On Cue, The Birthers Are Claiming It’s A Fake
By the way, if you watch the video and get sucked in by what they are saying, there's a perfectly good reason for the phenomenon they show. If you scan a doc with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) turned on, Adobe Acrobat is capable of taking a scanned doc and breaking it out into layers automatically. That’s what seems to … Read More
How A Birther Views Obama’s Birth Certificate
By the way, David Frum, who writes "as an opponent of virtually every major and minor action of this administration", has a nice little coda to the birther controversy, wherein he chastises his own party: Even for the small band that sustained the phony controversy until now, the birth certificate so-called issue ends today. Any last lingering doubts that maybe, … Read More
Like This Will Stop It
In an amazing concession to the lunatic fringe in America, President Barack Obama has released his “long form” birth certificate from Hawaii. Actually, check that, using the word “released” adopts the narrative of the crazies. It’s more accurate to say that the President of the United States successfully begged Hawaii for a document it doesn’t normally issue in an effort … Read More
The Next Right Wing Freakout
Here it comes…. you ready? I keep my ear pretty close to the crazy ground, so I think this might have some legs. From the people that brought you "death panels", the next big fear. And it goes something like this: PRESIDENT OBAMA IS GOING TO RETURN MANHATTAN TO THE INDIANS You see, on December 16, the President announced that the U.S. … Read More
The Phrase Of The Day Is “Hippie Punching”
Yeah, despite my enjoyment of the GOP/Tea Party rift, I should keep in mind that there's some infighting on the left, too: Top Obama adviser David Axelrod got an earful of the liberal blogosphere's anger at the White House moments ago, when a blogger on a conference call directly called out Axelrod over White House criticism of the left, accusing … Read More
Fake Outrage From One Year Ago: An Update
What topic was the GOP and teapartiers up in arms about a year ago? Anyone remember? That's right — the fact that Obama was going to be making a speech in front of schoolchildren in Philadelphia, a speech to be live telecast to kids throughout the nation. According to the right wing at the time, it was part of … Read More
The Majority Of Republicans Is Stark Raving Mad
Well, what other conclusion can you reach when you read this: A majority of Republicans believe that President Barack Obama "sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic law around the world," according to a survey released on Monday. That figure, buried at the very end of a newly released Newsweek public opinion poll, reflects the extent … Read More
On Obama’s Sagging Approval Ratings
"Democrats in Washington are divided and somewhat puzzled over President Obama's fading popularity", writes Matt Bai at The New York Times today. He then goes on to explain why he thinks Obama's popularity is lackluster in the middle of his first term: because Obama has too much of a legislator — trying to pass health care, the stimulus, etc. You know, I … Read More
Our Stupid Nation
One in five Americans actually think Obama is a Muslim. UPDATE — Also this zinger: “Among those who say Obama is a Muslim, 60 percent say they learned about his religion from the media.” Anyone want to guess which media?
When Republicans Start Telling The Truth And Stop Bagging Tea
Rep. Bob Inglis, defeated in South Carolina's Republican primary last month, told the AP that the GOP is succumbing to "demagoguery" and talk-show personalities, blasted Sarah Palin's "death panels" comments, and compared American partisans to "Sunni and Shia." While not naming names, 12-year incumbent Rep. Bob Inglis suggested in interviews with The Associated Press that tea party favorites such as former vice … Read More
Shorter Charles Krauthammer
Shorter Charles Krauthammer: Obama uses the word "I" a lot, and refers to the secretary of state as "my secretary of state". Just more proof that he's a uppity n*gger. Seriously, why does the Washington Post employ this columnist?