Scary Election of the Day
Today is primary day in a lot of states. I'm not following it. I can tell you (and so can everybody else) that anti-incumbancy fever is high, which means that a lot of people in office might get thrown out. Doesn't look like the nation will swing all the way to the teabaggers, but on the whole, it doesn't look … Read More
Whoomp, There He Is?
Some people think the guy at the 1:01 mark is Obama. Of course, the video was made in 1993, when Obama was a Harvard Law professor doing community organizing work in Chicago. So, it's kind of hard to believe that he would be in a rap video.
How The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Has Turned The Right Wing Into Socialists (and Hypocrites)
Crazy Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), like many of her fellow Republicans, isn't satisfied with the federal response to the BP oil spill disaster because — get this — she wanted to see the federal government seize control and ownership of more private property. Seriously. "Where were the boats that could have been commandeered by the government to be sent into this … Read More
Obama’s Katrina?
A lot of "serious" right-wing contributors are comparing the Obama's response to the Oil Spill to Bush's response to Katrina. Read, for example, how unhinged the Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan I don't see how the president's position and popularity can survive the oil spill. This is his third political disaster in his first 18 months in office. She continues: I wonder if … Read More
Rand Paul Doubling Down By Showing Support For BP
Bruce Bartlett may have said it best when he wrote that Paul suffers from foolish consistency syndrome: I don't believe Rand is a racist; I think he is a fool who is suffering from the foolish consistency syndrome that affects all libertarians. They believe that freedom consists of one thing and one thing only–freedom from governmental constraint. Therefore, it is … Read More
Rand Paul And The Civil Rights Act: Part II
As the day progresses, Rand Paul is clarifying his position on the 1964 Civil Rights Act, assuring the voters that he will not try to repeal it. This afternoon, a spokesman for the Paul campaign told Greg Sargent, "Civil Rights legislation that has been affirmed by our courts gives the Federal government the right to insure that private businesses don't … Read More
Alabama Education
The Birmingham News: A Jefferson County teacher picked the wrong example when he used as
I Like This Obama Better Than Bipartisan-Wannabe Obama
OBAMA: After they drove the car into the ditch, made it as difficult as possible for us to pull it back, now they want to keys back. No! You can’t drive! We don’t want to have to go back into the ditch. We just got the car out. Jon Chaitt adds: I think we can see his main political theme … Read More
So Far, The Attacks On Kagen Are Lame
The Hill: Republicans are questioning Elena Kagan’s ties to a liberal icon and the nation’s first African American Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall. In its first memo to reporters since Kagan’s nomination to the high court became public, the Republican National Committee highlighted Kagan’s tribute to Marshall in a 1993 law review article published shortly after his death. Kagan quoted … Read More
Maine Republicans Officially Go Tea Party
AP: A group of Knox County conservatives succeeded Saturday in tossing the state Republican Party's proposed platform and adopting an entirely new one, an event that threatened to overshadow the seven gubernatorial candidates seeking to make an impression at the state GOP convention. The new platform reaffirms a pledge to the U.S. Constitution and the Maine Constitution — not any … Read More
Libertarian Ad Doesn’t Work
This ad is supposed to make you think that we're over-regulated as a society, but judging by the comments on YouTube, it actually makes you realize how important government regulation is and how much we take it for granted. All you need to do is change the tone of the background music, and the snarky nonsensical questions at the bottom, and this … Read More
Quote Of The Day
Former Bush White House Press Secretary Dana Perino on the oil rigger explosion that led to the massive Gulf oil spill: “I'm not trying to introduce a conspiracy theory, but was this deliberate? You have to wonder if there was sabotage involved” Actually, Dana, it's pretty clear you are trying to introduce a conspiracy theory, one right up there with "Obama was … Read More
Third Time A Charm? Don’t Bet On It
As I am writing this, the Senate is voting on financial reform legislation. This is the third time in three or four days that the Senate has held this vote, and each time, the Republicans have universally voted "no". Important to understand, however, is what the Senate is actually voting on. They are voting on merely whether to have a debate … Read More
When Stupid Meets Stupider
The brain trust that encompasses the Georgia State House Judiciary Committee held hearings today surrounding a proposed Georgia state law seeking to ban forced microchip implantation in humans. That's right — forced microchip implantation in humans. Because this is a huge problem? Well, apparently, some of the lawmakers actually believed that this might come about as a result of ObamaCare, so the … Read More