McConnell’s Impeachment Rules Ensure Quick Acquittal

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Ukraine, Trump & Administration, Trump ImpeachmentLeave a Comment

So here’s the bottom line: The evidence, records, and documents sent over by the House will not automatically be made part of the Senate’s trial proceedings. It may, at such time as Senator McConnell brings up a subsequent motion to allow it and that motion passes with 51 votes. And this will be done on an individual basis for each … Read More

Trial Memorandum of President Donald J. Trump

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Ukraine, Trump & Administration, Trump ImpeachmentLeave a Comment

It is hard to take seriously President Donald Trump’s lawyers’ Trial Memorandum submitted in response to the House Managers’ brief setting forth the grounds and arguments for convicting and removing the President from office. It is a lot of things, but brief it is not. It is 109 pages, with four appendices, written by no less than 12 lawyers. Yet, … Read More

Roberts Sworn In

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Ukraine, Trump & Administration, Trump ImpeachmentLeave a Comment

Here we are. The swearing-in: "Do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, president of the United States, now pending, you will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help you God?" "I do." — Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) January 16, 2020 Shoulda said… "And now, … Read More

GAO: “Trump Broke The Law”

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Ukraine, Trump & Administration, Trump ImpeachmentLeave a Comment

The Government Accountability Office said the White House’s Office of Management and Budget violated the Impoundment Control Act when it withheld nearly $400 million for “a policy reason,” even though the funds had been allocated by Congress. The decision was directed by the president himself, and during the House impeachment inquiry, administration officials testified that they had raised concerns about its legality to … Read More

Ukraine Investigates Surveillance Scandal And Hacking Of Burisma

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Ukraine, Trump & Administration, Trump ImpeachmentLeave a Comment

Ukraine has launched criminal investigations into the possible illegal surveillance of former U.S. ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, and the reported hacking of Burisma Holdings, the natural gas company at the center of the Trump impeachment. “Ukraine’s position is not to interfere in the domestic affairs of the United States of America,” the Interior Ministry, which runs the police forces, said in a … Read More

Parnas Speaks

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Ukraine, Trump & Administration, Trump ImpeachmentLeave a Comment

Completing his break from Trump/Giuliani, Lev Parnas, Giuliani’s former “associate”, spoke to Rachel Maddow last night, and his interview made huge waves. Parnas is a complicated figure in the unfolding Ukraine saga. He worked closely with Giuliani as the former New York City mayor defended Trump against special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, and he helped lead Giuliani’s monthslong effort to … Read More

Articles Of Impeachment And Managers To Be Named

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Ukraine, Trump & Administration, Trump ImpeachmentLeave a Comment

For only the third time in U.S. history, a select team of House members will now cross over to the Senate side of the Capitol Building to act as prosecutors in the impeachment trial of a sitting president, while Senators listen silently as a jury. These so-called “impeachment managers” have won a rare historical distinction claimed by only 20 House … Read More

Parnas Document Dump

Ken AshfordCrime, L'Affaire Ukraine, Trump & Administration, Trump ImpeachmentLeave a Comment

Last night, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff submitted new impeachment evidence to Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler which will be included in the file expected to be turned over to the Senate today. This evidence has come from Lev Parnas, a close associate of Rudy Giuliani. Parnas was indicted by the SDNY in October 2019 along with Igor Fruman … Read More

House To Send Articles Of Impeachment To Senate Tomorrow

Ken AshfordCongress, L'Affaire Ukraine, Trump & Administration, Trump ImpeachmentLeave a Comment

Some voices in the punditocracy have insisted that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) “lost” in finally agreeing to send the articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate. Pelosi has responded that the delay resulted in a bunch of information coming to light, former national security adviser John Bolton’s announcement that he would testify if subpoenaed and the shoring up of public support for witnesses. … Read More

Giuliani Associate Lev Parnas Turns Over ‘Trove’ Of Information To Congressional Investigators

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Ukraine, Trump & Administration, Trump ImpeachmentLeave a Comment

Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas has turned over photos, texts, and thousands of documents to the House Intelligence Committee, which subpoenaed the information last fall.  Parnas, who has been indicted for violating campaign finance laws and pleaded not guilty, had originally declined to comply with the congressional subpoena. But after being arrested and changing attorneys, Parnas began a charm offensive with Congress in … Read More