Gallup poll released today finds: There is significant overlap between Americans who identify as supporters of the Tea Party movement and those who identify as conservative Republicans. Their similar ideological makeup and views suggest that the Tea Party movement is more a rebranding of core Republicanism than a new or distinct entity on the American political scene. You think?!? ********* … Read More
Political Ad From Arizona
Ah. She shoots guns. Therefore, you should vote for her. Oddly enough, this ad will actually resonate with some people. That's the part that really scares me.
Racism = Ignorance: A Case Study
As you may know, many on the right are upset that a mosque is being built within a couple of blocks of Ground Zero in downtown Manhattan. The thinking goes that Islamic terrorists were responsible for 9/11, therefore all of the religion of Islam is bad and evil, therefore mosques are evil. With such stupid logic as that, it's not … Read More
The Local Tea Party Candidate
All over the country, the Republican Party is running up against far-right "tea party" candidates, often to hilarious results. As I have pointed out, the GOP/Tea Party rift tends to divide the right side of the political spectrum, all to the benefit of the Left/Democrats. It's no different here in North Carolina. The GOP is attacking the tea party's man … Read More
Rand Paul Doubling Down By Showing Support For BP
Bruce Bartlett may have said it best when he wrote that Paul suffers from foolish consistency syndrome: I don't believe Rand is a racist; I think he is a fool who is suffering from the foolish consistency syndrome that affects all libertarians. They believe that freedom consists of one thing and one thing only–freedom from governmental constraint. Therefore, it is … Read More
Rand Paul And The Civil Rights Act: Part II
As the day progresses, Rand Paul is clarifying his position on the 1964 Civil Rights Act, assuring the voters that he will not try to repeal it. This afternoon, a spokesman for the Paul campaign told Greg Sargent, "Civil Rights legislation that has been affirmed by our courts gives the Federal government the right to insure that private businesses don't … Read More
Taxed Enough Already?
The "tea" in the Tea Party movement stands for "Taxed Enough Already". It's a bad time for this kind of movement, and here's why: Amid complaints about high taxes and calls for a smaller government, Americans paid their lowest level of taxes last year since Harry Truman's presidency, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data found. Some conservative political movements … Read More
Maine Republicans Officially Go Tea Party
AP: A group of Knox County conservatives succeeded Saturday in tossing the state Republican Party's proposed platform and adopting an entirely new one, an event that threatened to overshadow the seven gubernatorial candidates seeking to make an impression at the state GOP convention. The new platform reaffirms a pledge to the U.S. Constitution and the Maine Constitution — not any … Read More
New Left Media Covers Tax Day Tea Party Day
I really enjoy these videos from New Left Media (who I have written about before). They certainly can't be accused of bias — after all, all they do is let the Tea Party people speak for themselves.
Jack Kimball, New Hampshire Republican Candidate For Governor, Admits He Was Raped
Apparently, he was raped several times. He didn't provide details other than to say it was "awful". File under "Bad Metaphor".
More About The Comprehensive NYT/CBS “Who ARE These Tea Party People” Poll
The New York Times went out and solicited several diverse and well-written op-eds about their Tea Party poll making headlines today. Go here.
Poll Of Tea Party Activists And Supporters Reveal Things We Know And Things We Believed
And speaking of polls, Digby has a nice summary of the VERY comprehensive poll of teabaggers conducted by the New York Times and CBS, both of whom have excellent write-ups of their own (with graphics, etc.). The bottom line is that they are pretty much what you think they are — Republicans, except they're a bit angrier and a bit … Read More
Ten Lowest-Polling Tea Party “Action Items”
The Tea Party Patriots took a poll of their rank-and-file to see what the top ten "action items" for the movement are. They are: 1. Protect the Constitution2. Reject Cap & Trade3. Demand a Balanced Budget4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington6. End Runaway Government Spending7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care8. … Read More
Tax Day Tea Party Day
Tomorrow is April 15, which is Tax Day, but also the day when the teabaggers load their misspelled signs and fat asses into rusty Ford pickups, and congregate with other teabaggers to denounce the black secret Muslim who stole the presidency by lying about his birthplace as part of a grand scheme to turn this country into a socialist and/or marxist … Read More
Republicans And Conservatives Gather To Sign A Silly Piece Of Paper And Congratulate Themselves
It's like the "Contract with America" from the 1990's, but without anything of substance. Yup, the GOP likes to sign little manifestos committing themselves to the conservative values that (they believe) the Founding Fathers had (never mind the fact that the true conservatives in the Coloniel era sided with the British). Today's monumental screed is called "The Mount Vernon Statement", and … Read More