A Suit That Washes In The Shower

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

A clever idea, but who wears suits anymore? It is billed as the first two-piece that can be washed in the shower each evening and be ready to wear again in the morning – with no ironing required. And amazingly, after a rigorous road test, it appears to fulfil that pledge. Konaka, a Japanese menswear retailer, and Australian Wool Innovation … Read More

Can You Name The 11 Planets?

Ken AshfordScience & Technology1 Comment

Eleven planets?  Yup.  Makes my head explode, too. For future reference (in case you get on a game show), they are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Eris. "My Very Exciting Magic Carpet Just Sailed Under Nine Palace Elephants".  That’s the mnemonic device.

Total Lunar Eclipse Tonight

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

What’s up? A total eclipse of the moon tonight is expected to delight skywatchers across the United States and much of the world. It will be the last total lunar eclipse until 2010. The easy-to-watch event will play out in several stages as Earth’s shadow blocks sunlight from shining on the moon. Weather permitting, the eclipse will be visible from … Read More

We’re Shooting Down Satellites Now?

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Not comforting: The shuttle Atlantis left the International Space Station on Monday and headed home for a planned Wednesday landing, clearing the way for a Defense Department effort to shoot down a failed spy satellite. Um, why? Why does Atlantis have to be out of outer space before the Defense Department has to shoot down a satellite?  I mean — … Read More

Tattoos: The Vaccination Of The Future

Ken AshfordHealth Care, Science & Technology1 Comment

At the moment, I am sporting two tattoos.  This is on my right bicep: …and this is on my left bicep: They’re just temporary tattoos that I am wearing for a play ("The Foreigner") this weekend at the Little Theatre of Winston-Salem.  (I’d urge y’all to come, but we’re practically sold out). Anyway, the prominence of these rather un-me like … Read More

New Black Is The New Black

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Scientists have come up with a substance which is 30 times darker than the standard benchmark of "black" used by the  U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Huh?, you say. Black, as we all know, is the absence of colors.  Things that are black are black because they absorb all colors of light and reflect none of those colors. … Read More

Drinking Makes You Gay

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

I think the first part of this scientific study is a no-brainer: A team of researchers at Penn State has used an animal model to reveal, for the first time, a physiological basis for the effect of alcohol on male sexual behavior, including increased sexual arousal and decreased sexual inhibition…. It is the first study to characterize the effects of … Read More

UFO Sightings

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Either there’s something in the drink water in Stephenville, Texas, or they’re really seeing strange things in the skies. Local smalltown newspaper covers the mystery sightings here and here and here.

Interesting Uses For Your Camera Mobile Phone

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

I must admit, I hadn’t thought of many of these, i.e.: Car Parking – Most shopping malls here have huge underground parking but there aren’t any signboards so it gets tough to locate the car. So when you park the car, just look towards the escalator (or the exit door) and take a picture or record some video. This will … Read More