Nanotechnology Is Cool

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have created 'microbots' that can manipulate tiny objects: The robots, which are only half a millimeter wide, are controlled via magnetic fields and can perform simple tasks such as opening their jaws or moving around a container of liquid. They are among the smallest robots ever created. According to the Department of Energy (DOE), which … Read More

Verizon 4G Is Here

Ken AshfordLocal Interest, Science & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Greensboro, NC — Verizon Wireless turned on their 4G LTE Mobile Broadband network Thursday in the Triad. The change will impact several areas in North Carolina and more than 100 cities across the nation. Verizon said the services are up to 10 times faster than their current 3G network. The service is only available for 4G capable phones, which currently include … Read More

Netflix Will Now Let You Adjust Your Quality So You Can Avoid Data Caps

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

If you watch a ton of Netflix, you probably get pretty close to reaching your internet provider's bandwidth caps—especially if your provider has especially low limits. If you're regularly straddling that line, you can now head into Netflix's Account Settings and change the quality of your video to lessen the amount of data you use. They give you three presets: Good, Better, … Read More

Google Wallet

Ken AshfordScience & Technology1 Comment

It's here.  Your phone will soon replace your wallet: You’ll be able to tap, pay and save using your phone and near field communication (NFC). We’re field testing Google Wallet now and plan to release it soon. Google Wallet is a key part of our ongoing effort to improve shopping for both businesses and consumers. It’s aimed at making it … Read More

The Death Of TV As We Know It

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, Science & TechnologyLeave a Comment

You have to ask yourself: since Netflix streams primetime television shows direct to the consumer, why can't original series be distributed that way? Seems Netflix had the same thought – Netflix To Enter Original Programming With Mega Deal For David Fincher-Kevin Spacey Series. Video streaming juggernaut Netflix is becoming an original programming player. In what is probably the biggest gamble in … Read More

Watson on Jeopardy

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Lest you think this is the beginning of the end of human civilization and we should start bowing to our computer overlords, you should know one thing: Watson kept crashing during the taping of Jeopardy.  We just don't see that part because it was edited out.  But the taping actually lasted four hours because Watson kept crashing.

Tonight’s Lunar Eclipse

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

For us on the East Coast: Starts at 1:15 a.m. Clear sliver will be seen on the moon by 1:33 a.m. Moon will be in total blackout phase for 72 minutes starting at 2:41 a.m. This is an eclipse where the moon goes through the Earth's shadow.