More Brexit Fallout

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & Deficit, Foreign AffairsLeave a Comment

The Dow dropped another 250 points today, as it (and other world markets) assessed the fallout from the UK’s decision to leave the EU.  At one point, it dipped to well below 300 points off. In addition, Standard & Poor’s announced that it had lowered the United Kingdom’s sovereign credit rating from “AAA” to “AA,” citing last week’s referendum. Fitch, meanwhile, moved … Read More


Ken AshfordForeign AffairsLeave a Comment

As the polls close in Britain, I thought I would weigh in on the historical vote to see if England will leave the European Union. And I say, without a whole lot of knowledge, that is seems like a bad idea to me, and sentiments to get out of the EU seem to be based on nothing more than nationalism, … Read More

Trump’s Foreign Policy: Bad, Incoherent But Not Novel

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Foreign AffairsLeave a Comment

Trump gave a rambling, incoherent and contradictory speech on Wednesday on foreign policy, that was notable because it was a prepared speech which he read off the teleprompter.  That means he actually thought about what he was going to say, and it still came out horribly.  And almost everyone agrees.  Here’s Lindsey Graham’s tweets: Trump’s theme was “America First”, a slogan which … Read More

At Least We’re Not Argentina

Ken AshfordForeign AffairsLeave a Comment

For all the political scandals this country deals with, it pales with what is happening in Argentina. I’ll give the Cliff Notes version. Back in 1994, there was a bombing of the 1994 bombing of the Argentina Israelite Mutual Association, a Jewish Community Center located in Buenos Aires.  85 people were killed and hundreds were wounded.  Following the 1994 AMIA bombing, … Read More

Morons With Missiles

Ken AshfordForeign Affairs, War on Terrorism/Torture1 Comment

Yes, indeed.  Putin should be embarrassed.   When you listen to the audiotapes, you become keenly aware that the pro-Russian separatists in the Ukraine are total boobs… or, as Josh Marshall writes: The audio tapes posted by The New York Times might as well be from some future Russia-based version of Waiting for Guffman or Best in Show, a comical rendering of … Read More

Tonight’s Debate

Ken AshfordElection 2012, Foreign AffairsLeave a Comment

I'm not sure what to say about tonight's debate, except to opine that I don't think it will matter much.  It's foreign policy, and people don't care about that.  I expect viewership will be low. Romney, if her's smart, should make the debate about his views and policies, rather than trying (as he did last debate) to prosecute Obama about … Read More

Foreign Service Corps Not Fans of Romney

Ken AshfordElection 2012, Foreign AffairsLeave a Comment

From a Foreign Service Officer … It’s probably not a surprise. But can I just say that if Mitt Romney wins in November, he is going to have a very chilly reception from his employees every time he goes abroad? I don’t think I can quite state the rage we’re all feeling towards him. Via TPM

The Attacks On U.S. Ambassador

Ken AshfordElection 2012, Foreign Affairs, Middle East, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Well, it's ugly no doubt.  As you probably know by now, families are in mourning, and the diplomatic corps is dealing with the tragedy of four Americans — including the U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens — being killed in the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  It is the first time a U.S. ambassador has been killed in 33 years. Obviously, there … Read More