Now we’re told that Chiron (which, by the way, Bush lied about in the last debate) was supposed to supply "46 million to 48 million doses, nearly half of the country’s projected need of 100 million doses" of the flu vaccine, according to CNN. But should we worry? No, says Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson. See, apparently when … Read More
Democracy And Voting In The Middle East
In Afghanistan? Despite some possible fraud, it went a lot better than expected. Elsewhere? Um . . . not so good.
How’s Democracy Doing in Afghanistan?
REALLY GOOD! Here’s what Bush said on Rush today: I just would remind your listeners that Pakistan is now an ally in the war on terror [Except for its government workers and scientists – Kman]. Saudi now takes Al-Qaeda seriously, and they’re after the leadership. Libya is no longer got weapons of mass destruction [They’ve given away the designs to … Read More
Outsourcing Torture
The Village Voice has an interesting article on a CIA practice known as "extraordinary rendition". What it basically means is this: we pick up a suspect (i.e., a terrorism suspect) in a foreign country. Then, rather than interrogate him here in the United States, we ship him off to Syria or someplace where the authorities there can practice, uh, more … Read More