Weighing In On The Israel-Lebanon Thing

Ken AshfordMiddle EastLeave a Comment

Look, I know it’s complicated.  And I don’t feel compelled to pick a side.  This much I will say. There’s no question that Hezbollah is, or certainly acts like, a terrorist organization, and Israel is justified in defending itself from those attacks. But to my mind, Israel’s response is disproportionate, over-the-top, and reckless.  Two example in the past 24 hours: … Read More

Lead Singer For Iron Maiden News

Ken AshfordMiddle East1 Comment

I’m no fan of Iron Maiden, but this is a pretty cool story: He’s the frontman for one of the great metal bands of all-time. He was a world class fencer. Now, after helping to rescue scores of Britons from the fiery hell of war, he’s a national hero. Bruce Dickinson, lead singer for Iron Maiden, gets bored pretty quickly. … Read More

Rapture Dreams

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Middle East5 Comments

Well, there’s a small segment of society who believe that the Middle East conflict is a good thing.  A REAL good thing. Over at Rapture Ready/End Times Chat online bulletin board, some evangelical Christians are seeing recent events as a sure sign of the second coming of Christ.  Here are a few comments posted on the board: Praise God! We … Read More

Is Michael Brown In Charge If Lebanon Evacuation?

Ken AshfordMiddle EastLeave a Comment

There were roughly 25,000 Americans in Lebanon when the bombs began.  A couple thou have been evacuated so far. What about the rest? "We have an open line to all American citizens. We’re in touch with them by Web site. Those Americans who wish to leave will obviously go out," [Nicholas Burns, the U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs] … Read More

Lebanon Evacuation Update

Ken AshfordMiddle EastLeave a Comment

Re my previous entry here — I just received the following email from CNN: Evacuation fees for Americans being helped to leave Lebanon will be waived, two Republican senators tell CNN.

Quote Of The Day

Ken AshfordMiddle EastLeave a Comment

George Will blasts neoconservative foreign policy in the Middle East: [I]t is not perverse to wonder whether the spectacle of America, currently learning a lesson — one that conservatives should not have to learn on the job — about the limits of power to subdue an unruly world, has emboldened many enemies. Read the whole thing.  He rejects the neoconservative … Read More